This page shows the messages that has been submitted for sending, and the status of each message.
The following columns are shown:
If the message was successfully submitted to the SMSC you will see a green checkmark. If you hold the mouse pointer over the checkmark you will also see the exact time and date the message was sent to the SMSC.
If the message failed to be sent, for example because of an invalid receiver number or a mobile subscription with limitations, this will be indicated by a red cross (x).
If the message was discarded by a filter action, this will be indicated by a red filter symbol. See Filters for more information.
If the message is scheduled to be sent in the future, for example when using step-by-step Numberlists, this will be indicated with a clock-symbol. If you hold the mouse pointer over the clock-symbol you will also see the exact time and date the message is scheduled to be sent.
If a delivery report has been requested for the SMS and the message was successfully delivered, this will be indicated with a second green checkmark. You can see the exact time of delivery by holding the mouse pointer over the secnd green checkmark.
By default the Sent messages page will show all messages sent the last 3 days (can be configured under General Settings). If the number of messages to show exceeds 100, the list will paginated with a maximum of 100 messages shown per page.
You can search for messages to specific numbers by typing the number in the search textbox at the top and clicking Search. Only messages sent to the given number will then be shown.