The SysManX Client is a command line tool that can be used to send SMS messages through SysManX from any machine. It supports both the HTTP Interface and the File Interface of SysManX. The client executable, its configuration file and required support files are located in the folder named "client" under the folder where you chose to install SysManX.
C:\>SysManXClient.exe --help
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-r, --receiver Required. Receiver number or name of numberlist
-m, --message Required. Message text to send.
-i, --interface (Default: http) Interface to use (http or file).
-f, --flash Send as flash-message
-w, --wakeupcall Make a wakeup-call instead of sending SMS.
-d, --deliveryreport Request a delivery report from the mobile network.
-t, --deliverytime Send the message at a specific time. Format: YYYY.MM.dd HH:mm
-u, --username Username for SysManX.
-p, --password Password for SysManX.
-c, --checkuptime Check that the server has at least one active modem channel before
sending SMS. Valid for HTTP interface only.
-h, --hide Hide/mask and later delete the message text.
Valid for HTTP interface only.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
The only two parameters that are required are the receiver and message parameters.
The client will return "OK" if the message was successfully submitted to the SysManX Server, or an error message if an error occurs. Note that an "OK" response only indicates that the message is submitted, and not that it has actually been processed and sent to the mobile network. The client will not wait for the message to actually be delivered before exiting.
C:\>SysManXClient.exe -r 99887766 -m "This is my alert message." -d
This will send the message "this is my alert message." to receiver number 99887766, and request a delivery report from the mobile network.
The receiver can be either a mobile number of the name of a Numberlist.
The client will by default use the HTTP interface of SysManX, but also supports the File interface method for sending SMS. The endpoint URL and file path for the interfaces must be set in the SysManXClient.exe.config configuration file.
<add key="SysManXHttpEndpoint" value="http://localhost:5000/sms"/>
<add key="SysManXFileEndpoint" value="c:\sysmansms\input\"/>
If you are using the Http interface method and the HTTP interface has been configured to require authentication, you can provide the username and password using the the -u and -p parameters.
If you have more than one SysManX Server running you can configure the client to use two different endpoints for failover. To enable failover, alter the SysManXClient.exe.config configuration file as follows:
<add key="SysManXHttpEndpoint" value="http://localhost:5000/sms"/>
<add key="SysManXHttpBackupEndpoint" value="http://my-backup.server.no:5000/sms"/>
<add key="SysManXFileEndpoint" value="c:\sysmansms\input\"/>
Replace my-backup.server.no above with the hostname or IP address of the alternative SysManX server installation.
If the client fails to submit the message to the primary endpoint, it will try the backup endpoint automatically.
To further strengthen the failover functionality you can combine this with the -checkuptime flag. If CheckUptime is enabled the client will require the SysManX server to have at least one connected modem channel before accepting the message. This means that if the SysManX server is running, but the modem is not connected to the GSM network for some reason, it will not accept the message.