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Add a receiver to a Numberlist

The list of receivers in a Numberlist can easily be edited through the web-interface. When you open the Numberfile you will see a list of all the receivers in the Numberlist.

Screenshot of receivers

For each receiver you can provide the following information:

  • The Primary Number (required).
  • Name of receiver.
  • Whether the receiver is active or not in the Numberlist.
  • Up to two backup numbers if the primary number and/or first backup number fails.
  • An email address that will receive a copy of the sent message.
  • For the primary and backup numbers you can also set flags to indicate that the delivery should be a Flash message or a Wakeup-Call.

In addition, you can use the up and down arrows to change the order of each receiver in the list. This is particular important for Step-by-step Numberlists.

The only required field is the Primary Number. All others can be ommited. However, if you enter a name for the receiver you can use the Addressbook feature in various places to look up the receiver by name.

How backup numbers work

If you provide one or two backup numbers, SysMan will wait for an instant delivery report when you send a message. If the message is not received by the primary number, it will continue to send the message to the first backup number and wait for an instant delivery report. If the message is not received by the first backup number, SysMan will also send to the second backup number.

Flash message

A Flash message is a special kind of SMS that is displayed immediately on the screen of the receivers mobile phone. It is not stored and cannot be retrieved from the SMS inbox after it has been removed from the display. (Exact behaviour will vary between different phones). The benefit of a flash message is that it is instantly visible on the screen, which is usefull for short but important information such as One-Time-Passwords. It is not recommended for alert messages that may have to be read multiple times.


A Wakup call is not really an SMS message, but a phone-call to the receiver intended to wake the receiver by ringing multiple times instead of just an SMS notification sound. The message text will not be presented as speech if the receiver answer the call. Thus, a wakeup-call should only be used as an extra notification in addition to an SMS message and not alone. Wakeup-calls may not be supported by all modems, and may not always detect an answer properly (for example with voice mail messages).

Email copy

You can provide an e-mail address that will receive a copy of the message sent. This can be usefull for archiving purposes. For this feature to work you must have configured an outgoing SMTP server under the SMTP Settings menu.