Release notes
Version 10.5.23
Build date 2022.11.07
- Added new setting to Command Mail Forward with Reply Path. You can now specify a country prefix to be removed for better matching of the reply path.
Version 10.5.22
Build date 2022.11.06
- Added support for two new methods in the REST api to allow archiving or deletion of sent messages or received messages.
Version 10.5.21
Build date 2022.10.02
- Fixed bug: Incoming messages was not properly handled for Telit ME910C1 modem.
Version 10.5.20
Build date 2022.06.20
- Added support for Telit ME910C1 modem.
Version 10.5.19
Build date 2022.06.15
- Added new setting for File Format allowing a default Numberlist to be specified for the Free Text File Format.
Version 10.5.18
Build date 2022.02.23
- Added automatic detection of support for fast SMS sending. Enables more modems to be supported out-of-the-box.
- Added a more flexible configuration of the format and subject of e-mails sent by SysManX to numberlists.
- Added support for relaying of emails sent through SysManX to an outbound SMTP server. This is particular useful for integration with systems using SMTP where ordinary e-mails must be sent as well.
Version 10.5.17
Not for public release.
Version 10.5.16
Not for public release.
Version 10.5.15
Build date 2021.12.01
- Fixed bug where stale threads in rare situations caused communication problems with the modem.
- Increased maximum number of conditions on each Filter from 20 to 50.
Version 10.5.14
Build date 2021.09.06
- SysManX is now signed with a new digital certificate as the old one was about to expire.
Version 10.5.13
Build date 2021.08.31
- Improved handling of delivery reports for multipart SMS messages when operators does not send delivery reports for all SMS parts.
- Replaced reference to online fonts with local stored fonts to avoid slow operation on machines that are offline.
Version 10.5.12
Build date 2021.07.07
- ON and OFF Commands: It is now possible to specify Numberlists to be excluded from these commands.
- The Status page now displays an informational warning when SysManX is running with debug logging enabled.
- Support for periodic reboot of modems has been added and can be configured in the Housekeeping and Archiving section under General Settings.
Version 10.5.11
Build date 2021.06.21
- Fixed bug: Incoming SMS was not processed in certain situations (introducted in version 10.5.9).
- Improved handling of repeated file processing errors in the File Interface.
Version 10.5.10
Build date 2021.05.16
- Added support for new watchdog version (V04a) for SysMan modems.
Version 10.5.9
Build date 2021.04.29
- The command line client now supports hiding/masking the message text.
- Communication timing with the modems has been improved to reduce risk of wearing out Non Volatile Memory.
- Received SMS messages are now processed on average 1 second faster.
- Swagger-UI documentation of the REST API has been elaborated.
- Added advanced setting to set workaround mode for certain operators with a non-standard message reference usage.
Version 10.5.8
Build date 2021.02.16
Not for public release.
Version 10.5.7
Build date 2020.09.13
- Time restrictions for Numberlists have been improved and documented better.
- The File Interface formats XML and JSON now supports a flag to hide (mask) the message text.
- The New SMS page now gives immediate feedback if a message is rejected due to time settings or filters.
Version 10.5.6
Build date 2020.08.17
- Fixed bug: When delivery reports are used in combination with high SMS usage the modem communication sometimes stalled and failed message sending.
- Fixed bug: Delivery reports where not requested from SMSC for long (concatenated) SMS messages.
Version 10.5.5
Build date 2020.07.23
- The File Interface now supports both XML and JSON file formats.
- Inbound SMTP Interface now supports tagging messages with an External ID using the custom header X-SysManX-ExternalId
- It is now possible to hide the message text for certain messages. When hidden (masked) the message text will only show as "***" when displayed, and after the message has been processed the message content will be deleted. This is useful when the message content is sensitive, for example a password.
- The Addressbook in the New SMS window now allows you to choose multiple receivers and groups.
- The Rest API now includes a channel resource that can be used to retrieve status of modem channels.
- When sending messages to numbers without international prefix the TON (Type of Number) has now been changed from National to Unknown to improve compaitiblity with some SMSCs.
Version 10.5.4
Build date 2020.05.17
- If you have more than one modem channel you can now set which one is the primary one by setting the order of the modem channels.
- Fixed bug: Disabling and then enabling modems very quickly sometimes resulted in communication problems due to an incomplete shutdown.
- Added informational text to replies from the OFF command when trying to deactivate last active number.
- Fixed encoding of "_" (underscore) and "@" characters in inbound SMS messages.
- Fixed bug: File interface did not start upon restart of service for Enterprise licenses (only worked for Alert licenses).
- The Status page now shows the number of sent, unsent and received messages in the database and has an option to delete all unsent messages. Requires admin role.
- Fixed bug: WakeupCall sometimes stops after one ring.
- Fixed bug: Restarting og stopping and starting very quickly the SysManX Service sometimes resulted in an error and the service not starting.
Version 10.5.3
Build date 2020.03.22
- Improved SMS sending speed for FXT009 modem and increased communication timeouts to better handle slow/congested mobile networks.
Version 10.5.2
Build date 2020.03.01
- Fixed bug: When installing SysManX on a machine with an application already using port 5000, the installation fails because it cannot start the service. The installation will now complete so the default portnumber can be changed manually after installation.
- Added option to include original sender number and/or name to the Send-command.
- Better and faster processing of received messages.
Version 10.5.1
Build date 2020.02.03
- Fixed bug: The Send Command did not properly execute in some cases.
Version 10.5.0
Build date 2020.02.03
- Added new Dual Server monitoring using a LAN web request and/or SMS. Only for Enterprise licenses.
- Offline activation can now be done instantly on new SysMan website.
- Several minor updates to this online documentation.
- Fixed bug: Some Command parameters where reset when editing Keyword of an SMS Command.
- Fixed bug: Adjusted timeouts for commands related to WakeupCall.
Version 10.4.10
Build date 2019.12.17
- Fixed bug: SysManX did not handle wakeup call properly for some versions of the Telit chipset.
Version 10.4.9
Build date 2019.12.11
- Improvements to wakeup call handling to better detect if call was answered, rejected or not answered. Answered calls will be indicated as a successfull delivery in the sent messages view.
- Added phone-symbol after receiver number or name in sent messages view to indicate that the message was a WakeupCall and not an ordinary text message.
Version 10.4.8
Build date 2019.12.09
- Fixed bug: Authorization on SMTP interface did not work if From-email had uppercase letters.
Version 10.4.7
Build date 2019.12.03
- Added new configuration parameter to control duration of wakeup call.
- Fixed bug: Inbound SMTP was not enabled for Enterprise license level.
Version 10.4.6
Build date 2019.11.17
- Configuration files are no longer set back to default when installing an update.
- HTTP GET/POST Interface now treats a blank space in front of receiver number as a "+" to preserve backward compatiblity with SysManSMS.
Version 10.4.5
Build date 2019.11.13
- Fixed bug: REST API for Numberlists did not properly return the newly created object on POST operation.
- Minor documentation improvements.
- API Method for copying Numberlists has new option to include timesettings when making a new copy.
- The Command configuration screen has been improved. Configuration is now done with specific settings for each type of service.
- Fixed bug: Failover handling in SysManXClient was not working properly.
Version 10.4.2 to 4: Non publicly released builds. Changes accumulated in 10.4.5.
Version 10.4.1
Build date 2019.08.29
- Minor buxfixes for 10.4 version.
Version 10.4.0
Build date 2019.08.27
- Fixed bug: The keyword (first word in a message) was not passed forward to executing process when a Command was set up as a default Command.
- New REST API for managing Users. You can now list, create, modify and delete users using REST API calls. For security reasons, the Users API will always require authentication and the credentials for a user with administrator role.
- When editing Numberlists you can now use the Addressbook to select a receiver instead of typing the data.
- New Command: Mail Forwarding with Reply Path. When sending SMS using the inbound SMTP interface you can now enable SysManX to remember the sender e-mail address, and later route SMS replies back to that e-mail address.
- Fixed bug: With some SMSCs SysManX incorrectly logged messages as Failed even if they where sent successfully.
Version 10.3.6
Build date 2019.08.08
- Fixed bug: When editing a user the role-field was initially set to limited user regardless of the actual role.
- New REST API method to allow copying of Numberlists.
- Fixed bug: The Command RunProcess that allows execution of external processes did not execute properly.
- Added dual-server documentation to online help.
Version 10.3.5
Build date 2019.07.03
- Improvements to error handling in File Interface.
- Fixed bug: Step acknowledge service did not execute correctly.
Version 10.3.4
Build date 2019.07.02
- Updated documentation for integration with Microsoft SCOM.
- Fixed bug: If Inbound SMTP Access Control is enabled and there exists at least one user without an e-mail address specified, then the access control check upon SMTP receive fails.
- Fixed bug: If File interface is set to rename the processed file instead of deleting it and a file already exists with that name, then the file processing will fail and loop. SysManX will now overwrite file if it exists.
- Fixed bug: Step acknowledge service did not execute correctly.
Version 10.3.3
Build date 2019.03.22
- Fixed bug that made Inbound SMTP settings unavailable in some cases.
Version 10.3.2
Build date 2019.02.05
- Fixed bug in time restrictions.
- Improved user interface for managing time restrictions. It is now clearer what time restrictions are defined at the Numberlist level and the Receiver-level.
Version 10.3.1
Build date 2019.01.23
- Added new "Limited User" role. A Limited User can only send SMS, and edit Numberlists that the limited user is a member of (based on the users phone numner).
- Signal strength of modem connection is now shown as percent on the status page instead of the 0-31 scale.
- Upgraded encryption used for activation of the license. Older versions must be re-activated after upgrading to 10.3.1 or above.
Version 10.3.0
Build date 2018.12.18
- The SysManX product has been split into three different product-levels: Gateway, Alert and Enterprise depending on the license. Some features will now only be available at specific product levels. The product level is displayed on the status-page.
- New feature for importing .LST and .CSV files into Numberlists.
- Added new parameter ExternalId to SMSMessage resource in REST API and HTTP Interface to allow customers to tag and query messages with their own IDs.
- Added option to log messages and delivery reports to .CSV file. See Advanced settings for more information.
- Message data older than x days can now be deleted in order to be compliant with data storage and protection regulations. This is configured from the Archive section under General Settings.
- New feature: All changes to Numberlists can now be logged in an audit log than can be viewed and searched. Available for Enterprise licenses only.
- New feature: SysManX now has a built-in MQTT Client that allows you to subscribe to topics for sending SMS. Available for Enterprise licenses only.
- REST-api: Added id to Numberlist and NumberlistRecords payloads. Added missing delete method for Numberlists. Minor updates to the swagger-ui documentation.
- Numberlist names must now be unique. Numberlists are by default sorted by name, optional by last changed date in the web interface.
- New feature in web interface to copy/duplicate Numberlists.
- Login/logout and username moved from bottom of the page to the top right of the menu bar for more easy access.
Version 10.2.7
Build date 2018.10.25
- New feature REST based API for Numberlist and Message resources with Open API 3.0 support and Swagger-UI documentation.
- Fixed bug in password encryption for new user accounts added.
- Fixed different date-time formatting on servers running non ISO date-time formats.
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.
Version 10.2.6
Build date 2018.10.02
- New feature to monitor Windows Services and generate alarms if services are down.
- New feature Message Storm protection to limit the number of SMS sent to each number per day.
- Added support for multiple messages in each file using the Free text format of the File interface.
- Fixed bug in Filter handling when Append-filter followed a Do not send-filter.
- Added setup guide for Schneider Electric EcoStruxure.
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.
Version 10.2.1
Build date 2018.09.18
- Messages discarded by filters can now be logged and shown in statistics.
- New configuration setting to specify IP address for SMTP interface to bind/listen on.
- Version number is now clearly shown both at status-page and in the logfile.
- Added support for alphanumeric sender ID on received messages.
- Partial Dual Server support through shareable database for Numberlists, Filters and Commands.
- Several minor bugfixes and improvements.
Version 10.2.0
Build date 2018.08.27
- Improved error messages when login fails.
- New config option for E-mail notification when modem communication is down
- New feature: Step-by-step processing of Numberlists. Send SMS alert to one receiver at a time until one responds back to acknowledge the alarm.
- It is now possible to set the order of receivers in a Numberlist.
- Incoming SMS without a matching keyword can now have a default handling.
- New standalone executable client for sending SMS using command line.
- Several minor bugfixes and improvements on user interface.
Version 10.1.0
Build date 2018.08.15
- Added advanced message filters that allows filtering and modification of messages in the processing pipeline
- Visibility of message text (for security reasons) can now be controlled for both sent and received messages.
- Wakeup-call support added (dependent on modem support as well)
- New SMS commands: Change and view voice call forwarding.
- Added sort order on both filters and time restrictions
- New option to display name from addressbook instead of number in sent/received messages
- New SMS commands: Start and stop services
- Support for logging to Windows EventLog.
Version 10.0.0 RC 2
Build date 2018.05.10
- Added new SMS command feature with customizabe keywords.
- New SMS commands: Send to group, Echo reply text, Execute scripts and processes, set Alarms
- Set authorization level required on each individual SMS commands
- Password reset function for forgotten passwords
Version 10.0.0 RC 1
Build date 2018.04.20
- Initial version.
- Pure web-based administration and management.
- Built using .NET Framework 4. Runs on any 32/64bit Windows machine with .NET Framework support.
- Support for serial modems and direct IP-based modems (for use in virtualized datacenters).
- Send and receive SMS, with delivery reports and flash support.
- Send to numberlists, including support for backup numbers and copy to email of message sent.
- Use SMS commands ON, OFF, WHO to change or query numberlists.
- Built-in e-mail (SMTP) interface. Convert e-mail to SMS alerts.
- Built-in file interface compatible with older SysMan versions.
- Built-in HTTP interface (send using GET/POST requests).
- Use a calendar to manage who receives messages when.
- and lots of other features