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Filters are a flexible way of controlling messages flowing through SysManX. You can define any number of filters, and one or more condition(s) for each filter that needs to match in order for the filter to be executed.

Screenshot of Filters page

To edit a Filter, click on the Edit link of the filter you want to edit. To create a new filter, click the Add new filter button.

Screenshot of editing a filter page

Each filter can be given a description in plain text that is helpful to remember what exact task the filter is supposed to do.

The following types of filters are available:

  • Send only filters can make sure that only messages that matches the conditions will be sent. All other messages will be discarded.
  • Do not send filters can make sure that messages that matches the conditions are not sent. All other messages will be sent (unless other filters or time restrictions prohibits sending).
  • Append filters will append a given text to the message if the message matches the conditions.
  • Replace filters will replace the matching data with a given text if the message matches the conditions. If there are multiple conditions, then it will perform the replace operation on the last condition field only. For example, if the conditions requires a match on both a Numberlist name and content of the message text, then only the last condition (message text) will be replaced with the given text.

Conditions for when the filter will be applied can be specified for the following attributes of a message:

  • Receiver number
  • Numberlist
  • Message text

The operators you can use, are:

  • Equals
  • Contains
  • Starts with
  • Ends with

You can also invert any condition so that the condition is for example not equal or not ends with. You can specify any number of conditions for each field, and also specify if all conditions must be true for the filter to be applied, or if it is sufficient that any condition(s) applies.

If you have an Append or Replace filter, you must specify the text to append or replace in the textbox "Text to append or replace". This textbox should be left empty for other filter types.

Note that messages that matches a filter that stops the message from being sent will not be stored or listed under Sent messages unless you also select the Keep discarded messages checkbox. If you choose to keep discarded messages, they will be stored but not sent. If you discard the messages, then the only way to detect if a message has been filtered out is to browse the logfile.

Filters that are active will be applied to all messages that is submitted, regardless of which interface.

What use-cases are typical for filters?

Use a "Do not send" filter to suppress "noise" or false alarms.

Use an "Append" filter to add important information about escalation or resolution if the message text contains certain words.

Use a "Send only" filter to only send SMS with a specific content that is critical, and ignore other messages.