Numberlists is an important concept in SysManX. In a simple way a Numberlist can be described as a list or group of numbers you can send messages to collectively.
More specific, Numberlists are an advanced way of defining groups that you want to send messages to. For each receiver in the list you can specify up to two backup numbers that can receive the message if SysMan is unable to reach the primary received. You can also specify time restrictions such as only send to this number weekdays between 9am and 5pm. Further, you can use a shift calendar to decide when each receiver in the numberlist should receive messages.
Numberlists can be managed through the web-interface, or with SMS commands. Simple SMS commands such as ON, OFF and WHO can be sent to SysMan to sign on and off on-call duty, or check on-call status. The OFF command will also check that there are at least one other active person in the Numberlist to prevent situations where nobody is on-call unintentionally. This is valid for both the Quick action menu and the SMS Command.
This adds up to a very powerful tool for critical SMS alerting to on-call teams.
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